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Reading the Bible
By the dispensational interpretation of the Scriptures, the best and most fulfilling way to study and interpret the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is to put on the 'Telescope, specs or Lens" of the New Covenant sealed in the Blood of Jesus the Christ.   Rev. Ben Coleman




Key Text:


Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?Introduction:Don't focus on yourself or any other but focus only on God and His Christ the Lord Jesus. Looking to yourself and other things will make you: -


1. Either proud or

2. Discouraged


(Romans 2:4 KJV)

Courtesy: Rev. Ben Coleman





Key Text: Rom 2:4


Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?(Romans 2:4 KJV)




Don't focus on yourself or any other but focus only on God and His Christ the Lord Jesus. Looking to yourself and other things will make you: -Either proud orDiscouraged YOU ARE ALREADY BLESSED You must first know what blessing is not. Blessing is not things. The people of the world think so. But we Christians should know better. For centuries, well over a thousand years, the mind of the Christian through the leadership of the church has been shifted from the true understanding of the word “bless” to think the same way worldly people think blessing to be –“THINGS” . The Lord Jesus truthfully warns against greed and pointed out that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses. “ And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. (Luke 12:15) When you equate things with blessing you will inevitably be struggling all throughout your life to get things in order to be satisfied or feel adequate as somebody. When you get much, you will then feel very proud of yourself and start looking down upon those who have less than you have.The irony to this state of affair is that; whatever position you attain and whatever you are able to gather to your name, there will always, be someone else who has more than you have and that will cause you dissatisfaction and discouragement setting you up again on the struggling cycle. That fellow also may look down on you causing you to struggle to catch up with him and even overtake him.This leads to what King Solomon alluded to as ‘vexation of spirits’. Meaningless and worthless living.Oh! How many Christians, not properly taught, fall into this trap. Ephesians Chapter 1 vs. 3 emphatically declares that; God has already blessed the Christian with all spiritual blessing. All means all without an exception. God didn’t withhold or reserve even a single blessing from the Christian.This blessing is located in the heavenly realm. That is the supernatural realm. It is invisible.Thirdly, it can only be found in Christ. It is located in the person of Jesus Christ. However, the believer in Christ being in union with Him and also sitting together with Him at the right hand side of God the Father, is already blessed as Jesus is. WHAT THEN IS “BLESSING”? It is spiritual empowerment from Father God. Lifting up that empowerment that is upon Him Father God and putting it upon another of His creation in order to enable the blessed one to act in God’s capacity. In Genesis chapter one and two God did that for Adam and Eve the first of humans and then the bird, animal and fish kingdoms. These were limited blessings yet they were still of the same divine quality.Under the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus, we have it all! Now focus on the Blessor not even the blessing. Focus on the Originator of the blessing, Father God and then the Lord Jesus the Channel through whom the blessing became possible unto us.It is the finished redemptive work of Jesus on the cross that did the trick. It does not depend on your own works; what you do or do not do. Neither your good works or your failures, mistakes and sins count here. It is all about the perfection of Jesus. Look to Him only; this is a gift, it is grace. Just humbly and gratefully receive it by faith. MY BLESSING IS TO BRING ME RICHES. “the blessing if the LORD, maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it” Prov. 10:22When you are born again, immediately you are shifted from the position of curse under the dark kingdom of Satan to the position of blessing under the kingdom of light under Christ. Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:(Col 1:12-13) Now that we have known that blessing is spiritual empowerment by God to enable you to act like Him God, what do you do with this blessing? And how do you use it? The scriptures tell us in many places that is it God’s will for all mankind to succeed in life and to be rich. This desire to succeed and to be rich is in the heart of every human being as well. It is not an evil desire. It was put there by God Himself right from the beginning in the Garden of Eden.But with the fall of man all mankind have been going at it the wrong way bringing heartaches, pain, cheating, oppression, falsehood and murder in our lives today. Making most people even miss their way to God and forfeiting eternal life and heaven. God declares in the book of Proverbs that there is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is the way to death (see Prov. 14:12, 16:25). When you make money your god and seek for it as an end in itself. Weighing and measuring everything in terms of what monetary value you will get out of it before you do it you will bring destruction upon your own life and many others close to you.“For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them” Prov. 1:32 KJV. The bottom line is that when you forsake God’s way Satan also can make you rich, but it will end up bringing you much sorrow and trouble (see Psalm 37 and 73). But on the other hand, you can activate God’s unlimited blessing upon your life as a Christian to make you abundantly rich without adding sorrows to your life. That is the difference, the source of your riches counts. Is it of God or is it of Satan? That of God brings you no sorrow. That of Satan brings you much sorrow and destruction (see also I Tim 6:6-9).

Courtesy: Rev. Ben Coleman




Living with eternity perspective. Eccl 3:11

1.         There is Christ’s 2nd coming before the great tribulation to rapture the church
2.         Followed by the reign of the Anti-Christ for 7 years
A.         3 ½ years of seeming global peace (false new world order) with peace agreement with Israel
B.         3 ½ years of great tribulation
3.         Christ’s 3rd coming on the white horse with the resurrected saints to battle the anti-Christ and    

            The false prophet and to destroy them (rev. 19:11-21) in the lake of fire (battle of Armageddon)
4.         At the same time, Satan is bound for a 1,000 years with great chains and put in the abyss
B.         Then begins Christ’s visible earth rule of 1,000 years called millennium
5.         The Last Battle
A.         At the end of the millennium, Satan is released and goes to deceive and gather together the  

            nations to attack Christ and the city of Jerusalem
B.         Fire comes down from heaven and destroys them, and Satan thrown in the lake of fire and

            The End of This 1st World (Rev. 20:7-10)
6.         The great white throne judgement follows (Rev. 20:11-15)
7.         The New World: New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 21 & 22)

Salvation Prayer

Christ died to give us eternal life and believing in him you will have life and not die (John 3:16; Rom 1:16; 1 Cor. 15: 13) If you haven’t done so already, pray to receive Christ Jesus into your heart now and be saved.

Pray this Prayer

“Father God, I admit my guilt as a sinner before you. Have mercy on me and forgive me as I repent of my sin today. Wash all my sins away with the blood of Jesus. Lord Jesus, I open my heart to receive you as my Lord and Saviour. Come on in right now. Thank you for my being born-again as God’s child. In Jesus’ name I pray.Amen.

Worship with us this and Every Sunday @ 8:30am English Service and @ 10:10am for Akan Service Lets Talk.​

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